
Past Event

Dr. Charles R. Drew Black History Month Blood Drive

February 17, 2022
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
50 Haven Ave., 50 Haven Ave., New York, NY 10032 Main Lounge

Columbians always step up to meet the need during periods of blood crises!

During World War II, with wartime casualties mounting, and the need for blood plasma intensifying, Dr. Charles R Drew, M.D. (Physicians & Surgeons, ’40), the leading authority in the field of blood transfusions and preservation techniques, applied his expert knowledge to developing large-scale blood banks that allowed medics to save thousands of lives of the Allied forces. Today, as U.S. blood banks experience their biggest shortage in a decade, leaving hospitals and medical facilities scrambling to allocate this precious resource, there is an even more acute need for blood to help people who’ve had surgeries, cancer treatments, traumatic injuries, and suffer from severe illnesses.

As we’ve done so many times in the past, Columbia University, one of the largest suppliers of blood and blood products in the NYC and metropolitan areas, is once again proud to host our annual Black History Month blood drives in honor of Dr. Drew who, in 1940, became the first African American to not only earn a Medical Science doctorate (MSD) from Columbia, but also the first African-American to do so in the United States.  He’s been named by the American Chemical Society as “one of the most important scientist of the 20th century”.

The Blood Drives are open only to Faculty, Staff and Students with the COVID-19 Symptom Attestation Green Pass and, due to the ongoing public health crisis, donors must make an appointment to schedule a donation at   Click here to determine your eligibility to donate, or call NYBC at (800) 933-2566.  Visit the FDA website for revised recommendations re MSM donors.

The Staff at the NYBC has been trained to manage the donations of blood safely during the pandemic, and all donors must wear masks throughout the entire process (masks will also be provided before entry).

Register to donate today: (Walk-ins only if room capacity and appointment scheduling permits.). One pint can save THREE LIVES!
All presenting donors will receive a $5 e-gift card.

Sponsored by Columbia Law School Student Senate

Contact Information

Junior Benjamin